Beyond the signature’s phrase, “ Ghabrana nahe hai”


I burst out laughing, as I have come to know that Khan’s prominent catchy-phrase, “Ghabraana Nahe Hai” has made its way into Pakistan’s showbiz industry. According to details, Saba Qamar, a well-known versatile actress has renamed her movie as “Ghabrana Nahi Hai“which was earlier named as ‘Zubaida Mard Bann’. 

Contrastingly, the flip side of the Khan’s signature’s phrase triggered the Pakistanis into real panic and not even couldn’t save them from being affected by the coronavirus and ensuing starvation. While in the opposition, Khan was a very high moral pedestal and believed to be able to steer the country out of myriad problems ranging from economic mismanagement to corruption, terrorism, and a darkened international image.

The idealistic phrase, “aap ne ghabrana nahe ha’ is such a cliché that has trampled people’s expectations under the feet. The evidence so far shows it is leadership’s failure that does not have the capacity to think through the details of planning and execution.

On the other hand, Central government stands on its claims that despite difficult goals, the government delivered remarkably well, unlike opponent’s belief. Decisively, PTI holds assertion clearing the clutter gathered over last three decades and trying to put the country on right path, leading to prosperity and economic stability.

Rhetoric against former political leaders and resulting narrative.

The question arises that for how long the rhetoric against former political leaders would work for PM Imran Khan? There is a shelf life for everything, even political rhetoric.

Blaming Pakistan’s former leaders for the problems might be attempt at diverging from the issue of the government’s incompetence OR might be good prime time news, but in reality, Imran Khan’s rhetoric is slowly dying. Declaring the  political rivals corrupt, choar, daku , and making promises of bringing back looted money of the people of Pakistan, was an easy job performed during being in the opposition on top of a shipping container but the reality is not the same anymore. The most interesting thing is that common man doesn’t care about the past of the leaders but just wants the current leadership to deliver on all his promises.

As result, former political leaders do not hesitate narrating that there is somehow the country’s powerful military and its intelligence agencies behind this heinous game, They probably well aware how Khan was propped up by placing key leaders of the two major opposition parties during the July 2018 parliamentary elections and that is why the term “Selected Prime Minister” is repeatedly used by the opposition leaders.

Economic crisis fallout.

To believe on miracle discovery of gas and oil treasures in Pakistan to revive the economy, and relying on sheep, buffaloes and goats instead concrete steps for an economic revolution, is nothing but ridiculous dream. The opposition unleashed a volley of criticism against the government’s economic policies, prompting the members of treasury benches to defend their decision during the ongoing budget debate.

In accordance with economic critics, government, neither could determine how to cope with the economic fallout of the crisis, and nor, has come up with a comprehensive solution yet.

In the continuation, they cautiously think it absolute failure of the state for not taking stern action against profiteers and hoarders. Resuming their illicit activities, they raised the food prices and played with People’s misery.

A 45 years old immigrant who has been suffering from chronic hyper tension feared, “We will starve to death before the virus attacks”, we literally are left alone to fight with both hunger and coronavirus pandemic at the same time, he added.

In the recent past, many people by losing hope in life have committed suicide attempts, in which 81 per cent of suicide cases were belonged to lower income families. Showing wider concern experts say a slowdown in economic activity would knock labour class. However, Government too needs such equitable and inclusive policies to be taken care of them as well.

Dealing with COVID 19.

There is a huge stress prevails even on the health systems of developed and resource-rich countries, while Pakistan, which is in a state of development, anxiety is running high from province to province.

As of Sunday, nationwide tally of Covid-19 patients stands at 202955 with 74,202 cases in Punjab, 78,267 in Sindh, 25,380 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 10261 in Balochistan, 1423 in Gilgit-Baltistan, 12395 in Islamabad and 1027 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, while it is claimed that at least 4118 lives have lost. The contagion virus has infected more than 8 million people in 213 countries and territories of the world and over 501,868 of them have died so far.

In such a rising situation Khan’s central government had so far not shown a similar resolve to deal with the worsening public health situation. Role in dealing with ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could not take lead like it was supposed to be the people of Pakistan. First, he kept saying that the virus was like the flu and that 97 per cent of those infected recovered, then in another address, he said only the old and sick were in danger. This was incorrect and contradicted by the PM’s special assistant on health, Dr Zafar Mirza, who said a majority of the confirmed cases in Pakistan were of the young people. Then, of course, was his blatant lie to justify not imposing a lockdown.

With regard to the provisions of protective equipment and other medical aid items, federal is still under provincials’ criticism. Federal is accused of just verbal engagements with provinces, instead responding as expecting. Conflicting reports of the shortage of COVID kits have also been circulating in the media time to time. 

Government and private hospitals have a very small number of ventilators, which is insufficient for the growing number of coronavirus sufferers, and the same shortage has led to an increase in deaths. Though, Ventilators are generally a temporary bridge to recovery of patients in critical care, who need them to get better. These machines can be crucial to sustaining life in certain emergency situations. If there is a surge in seriously ill patients as COVID-19 spreads, ventilators could be in short supply from hospital to hospital or nationally. The provision of Such machines should have Government’s top priority to save the emergency patients suffering from coronavirus attack. But, unfortunately, the government has taken this case very lightly.

An interesting but stunningly aspect of Imran Khan’s leadership style is his dependence almost on his unelected key associates. Avoiding national consensus on the way forward, he preferred to work alone on inappropriate advices of his unaccountable friends and as result country remained bitterly divided.

Biggest beneficiary of the freedom.

Imran Khan has clearly forgotten to look at the mirror. He is a democrat when in opposition and a dictator when in power. He wants the freedoms and ideals of the United Kingdom when in opposition, and wants to curb liberties and see Pakistan censored on the China model when in power. The duplicity is rather magical.

Khan, in opposition was the biggest beneficiary of the freedom of all mainstream media and social media. He used to say no one can control the social media and criticised the ex-government’s actions to curb social media. Even he had warned Nawaz Sharif, of protests if any measures were taken to ban social media. But as he turned into power, a U-turn has inevitably; an endless series of U-turn has started. 

Coalition partners’ became frustrated.

The performance of the federal government of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led coalition is far from satisfactory and it seems that the cabinet has failed to deliver on multiple fronts.  Khan claimed to have pulled the country out of the worst economic situation and said 2020 would be the year for multi-dimensional development. However, the situation on the ground suggests a totally different picture. Even some coalition partners of the PTI-led government have shown serious concerns and admitted the failure of the government to improve the lot of the common man.

BNP-M chief Sardar Akhtar Mengal has announced to quit the coalition with federal govt. He said PTI has failed to deliver. Even a child learns to walk in two years but PTI has not even learned to walk,” said the BNP-M chief.

Dr Shahnaz Baloch, MNA, Balochistan National Party stressed the need to focus on the development of Balochistan. He said that during his party’s short-lived association with the PTI, several meetings were held

in which disappointment was expressed over a lack of progress on the missing person’s issue.

“In that time, sometimes five would be released, sometimes 10. But we saw that more people were being picked up than were being released.”

According to viral news circulating these days on social media that the special assistant to Prime Minister, Nadeem Afzal Chan would leave the PTI and join Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), as he has resigned from the post of special assistant. While PTI leader and Special Assistant to Prime Minister for Political Media Dr Shahbaz Gill has dined the news and called it fake news.

Top Judges response

The remarks of honorable Justice Gulzar while hearing a Suo Moto on April 13 are already part of court’s record On April 13, while hearing a suo moto case. He remarked that “there is no betterment in the federal government’s performance to deal with the outbreak.”

Referring to COVID 19 pandemic honorable judges came hard on the heels of a halfhearted response by the government to lock down cities and extend immediate assistance to those in need.

Pakistan’s central government has failed to announce a clear strategy on whether the country is going into a lockdown or staying open Since the first case of coronavirus was confirmed on February 26.

Scandals of Khan’s key associates.

Khan is also facing a challenge from inside his own party. Groups with loyalties to subleaders may rock the boat while seeing their interests at stake. As the coronavirus pandemic was taking its toll on human life in Pakistan, the finding of an investigative report was leaked to the media. The report alleged the involvement of Khan’s key associates and cabinet members in creating an artificial sugar shortage crisis in the country, and in the process earning themselves huge sums of money.

For decades, Imran Khan built his reputation as an anti-graft campaigner who used to accuse his opponents of looting the country’s wealth and sending the money abroad. The sugar scandal has already struck a blow to Khan’s reputation at a time when his government is on the backfoot for its sluggish response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Dr Mirza, his own minister has gone under a probe into alleged smuggling of 20 million masks which were smuggled out of Pakistan allegedly by Dr Mirza in collusion with an aide of Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) Deputy Director Ghazanfar Ali Khan. The complaint was submitted by Young Pharmacists’ Association’s Secretary General Dr Furqan Ibrahim.

In an interview to Voice of America (VOA), the Federal Minister for Science and Technology Chaudhry Fawad Hussain said that the internal strife within the party hurt the government. The party remained failed to deliver due to its own shortcomings and imbalance between politics and governance. He also confirmed reports circulating on media about grouping and rift inside the PTI.

Impression against poor performance and security elite.

Due to not -so-praiseworthy performance on the economic and governance fronts, government loosing favor of security establishment that causing to weaken Khan’s grip over key national issues.

The COVID-19 situation has further exposed the weaknesses in the government performance and thus further widened the gap in the former “same page” narrative; apparently, it has temporally averted the possibility of any political change but its fear would remain in the future.

A general impression seems to be formed that the powerful elite is disenchanted with Khan’s performance. Although the former political leadership is well aware of these changes, but, the opposition is definitely not willing to create any uncertainty that may show the door to the prime minister or oust his government, second, the political maturity attained over the past two decades is stopping the leadership of the two major opposition parties from backing an unconstitutional step, even if the victim is a staunch opponent like Imran Khan.

During times of national crises, the leadership has to go through the real test. They have to realistically envision the looming danger, adopt a clear-cut policy after mature consultations, bring together the entire country, despite political differences, and build a national consensus to overcome the crisis. This Coronavirus pandemic was, and is, an opportunity for Imran Khan’s leadership to prove his mettle. But, regrettably, a paucity of leadership traits is visible everywhere.

It is truism that Pakistan is still sitting on a coronavirus time bomb, while government’s estimates that coronavirus cases could raise to a peak by the July-end. Though, in general perspective, Imran Khan’s skills have been tested in tackling this potential confrontation, especially during the coronavirus pandemic and he claimed that his government swung into action in the early days of corona outbreak, but in reality he simply failed to assess the magnitude of the problem.

In the early days of pandemic, I remembered a Pakistani doctor‘s statement in which she said, “We’re likely to have a very big outbreak no matter what we do now and we will not be equipped to handle the numbers,”

In such unprecedented situations, Khan’s advice of saying “No need to panic” now has become a serious concern among the people of Pakistan. His popularity graph is apparently on the decline. In the context of such a critical situation if there is an adventure happens, his army of blind followers would not silently absorb his premature removal from power.

In the context of such a critical situation if there is an adventure happens, as result the beads of frustration will lead towards frustration and his army of blind followers would not silently absorb his premature removal from power.

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